This puzzle consists of a grid of colored buttons (lights), where clicking on a button causes all buttons on the clicked button's row and column to change color.
This is really multiple puzzles in one. You can pick from 11 different puzzle sizes (number of rows and columns), three color sequences,
and seven pattern options, for a total of 231 variations.
When a button is clicked, it changes color. Also, all the buttons on the clicked button's row and column also change color.
Smaller puzzles are easier, but this also depends upon the difficulty level chosen.
Light Pattern Variations:
- #1. Entire Row and Column Toggle: Clicking on a button changes the button's color as well as the color of all the buttons on that button's row and column.
For Red-Green color cycles, 1 click returns a button to its original state. For Red-Yellow-Green, 2 clicks returns a button to its original state. For Red-Orange-Yellow-Green, this takes 3 clicks.
- #2. Entire Row and Column Toggle Except Clicked Button: Clicking on a button does not change the clicked button's color but it does change the color of all the other buttons
on that same row and column.
For Red-Green color cycles, 1 click returns a button to its original state. For Red-Yellow-Green, 2 clicks returns a button to its original state. For Red-Orange-Yellow-Green, this takes 3 clicks.
- #3. Alternate Row/Col Toggle Inclusive: When clicked button is green, the entire row's colors are changed, including the clicked button.
When clicked button is red, the entire column's colors are changed, including the clicked button.
NOTE: If Color Cycle Variation includes Yellow and/or Orange, clicking on these colored buttons changes both row and column colors.
WARNING: This variant requires many more clicks as more color cycle variations are chosen.
For Red-Green color cycles, 3 clicks returns a button to its original state. For Red-Yellow-Green, 8 clicks returns a button to its original state. For Red-Orange-Yellow-Green, this takes 15 clicks.
- #4. Alternate Row/Col Toggle Exclusive: When clicked button is green, the entire row's colors are changed, excluding the clicked button.
When clicked button is red, the entire column's colors are changed, excluding the clicked button.
NOTE: If Color Cycle Variation includes Yellow and/or Orange, clicking on these colored buttons changes both row and column colors.
For Red-Green color cycles, 1 click returns a button to its original state. For Red-Yellow-Green, 2 clicks returns a button to its original state. For Red-Orange-Yellow-Green, this takes 3 clicks.
- #5. Alternating buttons on Entire Row and Column Inclusive: Clicking a button changes the button's color as well as every other button on that button's row and column.
For Red-Green color cycles, 1 click returns a button to its original state. For Red-Yellow-Green, 2 clicks returns a button to its original state. For Red-Orange-Yellow-Green, this takes 3 clicks.
- #6. Alternating buttons on Entire Row and Column Exclusive: Clicking a button does not change the button's color but does change every other button on that button's row and column.
For Red-Green color cycles, 1 click returns a button to its original state. For Red-Yellow-Green, 2 clicks returns a button to its original state. For Red-Orange-Yellow-Green, this takes 3 clicks.
- #7. Alternate Every Other Button on Row and Column Inclusive/Exclusive:Clicking a red button changes the clicked button's color and every other button in the same row and column.
Clicking a green button does not change the clicked button's color but does change every other button on that button's row and column.
WARNING:This puzzle is experimental. It is not currently known whether every puzzle is solvable, but we believe they are. Also note that there is no Hint or Solve capability for this puzzle currently.
Color Cycle Variations:
There are three color cycle variations supported. Buttons that change color change in the cycle order shown. The more colors there are in the cycle, the more difficult the puzzle.
- Green -> Red ->
- Green -> Red -> Yellow ->
- Green -> Red -> Orange -> Yellow ->
Click on the lights until all the lights are green.