You have the right order. Now get the empty spot to the lower right.
Congratulations! You have solved the puzzle!
Puzzle Instructions
This Number Slider puzzle goes by many names. When played with four rows and four columns it is often called "15 Puzzle."
It also goes by the names Gem Puzzle, Boss Puzzle, Game of Fifteen, Mystic Square, etc.
You can pick from 59 different varieties based on the number of rows and columns.
Slide the numbers around until they are in numerical order from least to greatest, left to right and top to bottom.
There is an open/empty space that the numbered squares are moved to. To move a number, click on it. Only
numbers that are immediately to the left, right, above or below the empty space can be moved. The open
space should end up in the lower right hand corner when the puzzle has been solved.
More Info:
You choose a puzzle configuration (rows and columns) from the dropdown just above the puzzle grid.
You can select the checkbox "Just Squares" to only show square puzzles in this dropdown.
There is a reset button (pair of blue arrows) that can be used to reset the puzzle back to its original state if you want to start the puzzle over.
This also resets the number of moves to 0 and resets the timer so you can try again.
There is also a new puzzle button that changes the starting arrangement. The timer starts when you make your first move.
According to Wikipedia, finding the shortest solution of a puzzle of arbitrary size is NP Hard. For the 15-puzzle, it is always possible to solve it in under 81 moves.
The 8-puzzle can always be solved in under 32 moves.
There is a Settings icon (gear) at the top left. This can be used to change the look and feel of the numbered buttons. It also allows for setting the font size.