This puzzle consists of a grid of colored buttons (lights), where clicking on a button causes certain related buttons (depending upon the Light Pattern variation chosen in Settings) to change color.
One of the variants of this puzzle is a clone of the
Lights Out puzzle (no torus, Red <-> Green toggle, Plus Sign pattern).
This is really multiple puzzles in one. You can pick from 12 different varieties based on the number of rows and columns,
three color sequences, four light pattern variations, and whether to enable torus mode or not... for a total of 288 variations!
In the classic 'Plus Sign' mode, the button clicked changes color, the button immediately above, below, to the left, and to the right also change color. Other light patterns are available as described below.
Smaller puzzles are easier, but this also depends upon the difficulty level chosen.
Light Pattern Variations:
- #1. Plus Sign Toggle (Classic mode): Clicking on a button changes its color as well as the color of the buttons immediately above, below, to the left, and to the right - for a total of 5 button's colors changed.
- #2. Centerless Plus Sign Toggle: Clicking on a button does not change its color, but it does change the color of the buttons immediately above, below, to the left, and to the right - for a total of 4 button's colors changed.
- #3. Plus Toggle. Swap U/D, L/R: Same as #1 but also swaps the button above with the button below, and the button on the left with the button on the right.
- #4. Plus Toggle. Rotate Plus Clockwise: Same as #1 but also rotates the top, right, bottom, and left buttons clockwise by 90 degrees. (left goes to top, bottom goes to left, right goes to bottom, and top goes to right.)
Color Cycle Variations:
There are three color cycle variations supported. Buttons that change color change in the cycle order shown. The more colors there are in the cycle, the more difficult the puzzle.
- Green -> Red ->
- Green -> Red -> Yellow ->
- Green -> Red -> Orange -> Yellow ->
Torus Mode:
- On: The edges of the grid act as if they are connected as so: the top and bottom edges are connected to each other. Also, the left and right edges are connected to each other. The grid is in effect a donut (aka torus).
- Off: The edges of the grid are not connected.
Click on the lights until all the lights are green.