Congratulations! You have solved the puzzle!
Button Swap
moves: 0
Congratulations! You have solved the puzzle!

Puzzle Variations:
All variations work in torus mode, which means the top and bottom edges act as if they are connected to each other. The same goes for the left and right edges.

Swap L/R on button click. Buttons stay green.
Swap L/R on button click. Buttons toggle between Green and Yellow.
Swap L/R and U/D on button click. Buttons stay green.
Swap L/R and U/D on button click. Buttons toggle between Green and Yellow.
Swap L/R on green click, swap U/D on yellow click. Buttons toggle between Green and Yellow.

Difficulty (level of scrambling):
Very Easy
Very Hard
Very Grueling
Most Grueling

This is an original puzzle that we have named 'Button Swap.' It is kind of a cross between the game 'Lights Out' and the 'Number Shuffle" puzzle. Basically, you are faced with a grid of buttons with numbers on them. The goal is to click on buttons to get the numbers in sequential order. Depending upon the variation, clicking on a button swaps certain surrounding buttons. Numbers that are out of order are shown as blue, while numbers that are in order are shown as black. This puzzle has multiple variants. Try them all to see which one you like best!

NOTE: The grid acts in torus mode. This means that the puzzle acts as if the top and bottom edges are connected. Same goes for the left and right edges. The effect is that the grid is like a donut.

Puzzle Variants:
Variant #1: Clicking on a button swaps the button to its left with the button to its right. The buttons do not change color upon clicking them. To solve the puzzle, you need to get all the numbers in order from top to bottom, left to right.

Variant #2: Clicking on a button swaps the button to its left with the button to its right. Clicking on a button also toggles its color between Green and Yellow. To solve the puzzle, you need to get all the numbers in order from top to bottom, left to right. And all the buttons must be Green.

Variant #3: Clicking on a button swaps the button to its left with the button to its right. It also swaps the button above with the button below. If a clicked button is on a left edge, the button to the left becomes the far right button. Similarly, if a clicked button is on a right edge, the button to its right is the far left button. Also, if the clicked button is on a top edge, the button above becomes the bottom button. Similarly, if the clicked button is on a bottom edge, the button below becomes the top button. In effect, the puzzle grid is a torus (basically a donut). The buttons do not change color upon clicking them. To solve the puzzle, you need to get all the numbers in order from top to bottom, left to right.

Variant #4: Same as variant #3 except that clicking on a button toggles the color of the clicked button between Green and Yellow. To solve the puzzle, you need to get all the numbers in order from top to bottom, left to right. And all the buttons must be Green.

Variant #5: Clicking on a button when the button is Green swaps the button to its left with the button to its right. And it toggles the clicked button's color to Yellow. Clicking on a button when the button is Yellow swaps the button above with the button below the clicked button. And it toggles the clicked button's color to Green. To solve the puzzle, you need to get all the numbers in order from top to bottom, left to right. And all the buttons must be Green.

Click on the buttons until all the numbers are in sequential order from top to bottom, left to right. And all the buttons must be Green.

Clicking the Gear icon at the top left brings up a Settings dialog that allows selecting one of the five variants described above. It also allows selecting the difficulty level. Harder difficulty levels require more button clicks in order to solve.

